Stogie Press Review of Whiff Out

Stogie Press Reviews Whiff Out

stogie press


Recently I was communicating with a company – Whiff Industries – on social media. I kept seeing their posts about their special Deodorant Powder – Whiff Out. This product is designed to remove odors like stale cigar smoke from ashtrays and lingering on couches and carpets and vehicles. I asked if they could send me a sample to try out in the Stogie Press lounge and would give it a review in our next issue. The lounge can get stale now and then especially if a group of Stogie Heads has been hanging around herfing for a few hours.  A week later, the package showed up in my mail and there was this small plastic jar of white crystalline powder.

I decided to give it a proper road test and didn’t clean the ash trays in the lounge for a week. Cigar ashes and nubs were scattered about from a weeks worth of herfing, not to mention the trash that had stale nubs from previous weeks.


I usually clean up at the end of each evening, so to say the lounge had some odor about it was an understatement. Even my wife, who does not mind the aroma of cigars, started to mention it. I said just wait we are in a test mode here.

So after a week I opened the canister and sprinkled some of the crystals in each ash trays and in minutes the room started to smell fresh. At first the scent was a bit over the top, but then settled down to a fresh clean scent. The stuff really works! I left the ash trays full for another day and evening of herfing with my neighbor and the next morning I went out to the lounge and sure enough it was still smelled fresh.

I have since used it on the carpet and the couches once a week after vacuuming the lounge and it maintained that fresh clean scent.


I have even used a sprinkle on my indoor carpets and couches to remove the scent of my dog. I am not sure if he liked that but the house is fresh.

I will note that you do not need to use much of this product. A sprinkle goes a long way. I don’t smoke in my vehicle but I have to believe this would be great and work better than the goofy deodorizer hanging from the rear view mirror.

You can order this directly from Whiff Industries at

You can contact them on

  • Twitter@whiffindustries
  • Facebook @Whiffout
  • Instagram @whiff_industries
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